Reasons to Pursue MA Economics from a Private University in India?

MA in economics is one of the most sought-after subjects among students. With the Indian economy booming and expanding rapidly, the course has gained extreme importance in the past few years. There are many public and private universities in the country offering it. Here are the reasons for pursuing it from a private university.

Excellence in academics

Learning is the central focus of private universities in India. Though the curriculum is rigorous and the course-work is very vast, yet with learning being the central focus one can achieve academic excellence through hard work and dedication.

Smaller sizes of class

This is another major benefit. With smaller sizes of class, students are not likely to get overlooked. In public institutions, large numbers of students attend classes in an auditorium and hence there are chances of not getting the proper attention required. Shorter class sizes mean that there is less competition to get into them.

More time with professors

As size of classes is small, there is more time to interact with professors. One has more time to ask questions and solve queries. There is less feeling of isolation and it helps to build a strong relationship with professors.

Close community

A closely-knit student community is one of the integral parts of most private universities in India. It helps in close communication and one gets involved in multiple campus activities. It also enhances college experience that is important to succeed.

Top-notch faculty

In order to attract students and build its brand, private institutions have top-notch faculty. Most of them have an excellent academic record and they are reputable. They aim to bring an overall development among students and prepare them to be better citizens of the country.


Bright minds are given scholarships. Merit scholarships help bright pupils in their studies and they can contribute even better towards a progressive society. Most private universities in the country have scope for merit and scholarships to boost a healthy competition.


Most of these institutes have the reputation of being elite. This helps during employment in the professional world. Because of the competitive admission process, employers tend to value such candidates.

Involved students

As the atmosphere of the classroom is dynamic, most of them are committed to achieve academic success. Students find themselves more involved and they participate in classroom discussions, coursework and are highly engaged in multiple activities.

So if you wish to pursue a MA course in Economics, find out the private university of your choice right now.

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